When he was 18, Copeland won an essay contest, with Sully's Gym offering free wrestling trianing to whoever could write a good essay about why they wanted to become a pro wrestler. As a result he was trained by Sweet Daddy Siki and Ron Hutchinson in Toronto.
Sweet Daddy Siki
Copland put he's wrestling aspirations aside, to help pay bills. He had held numerous jobs. (one job to name was Johnson's Control, a factory in Orangville that made car seats for Chryerslers.) He then went to Humber College where he graduated in radio broadcasting. Copeland also was trained by Stu Hart.
Throughout the 90's Copeland wrestled on the independent circuit in Ontario and Great Lakes region of the US under the name of Sexton Hardcastle. He became a part of a tag team called Sex and Violence with Joe Legend ( You may remember him as Just Joe in WWF days debut on July 2, 2000 on Heat). In 1997 Sex and Violence became a bigger stable known as Thug Life. The stable included Sexton Hardcastle, Christian Cage ( Copeland's childhood friend Jason Reso and also used the name in TNA), Bill skullion, Rhino Richards (Rhino real name Terry Gerin. More known in ECW, WWF/WWE and TNA) and Joe Legend
The duo of Hardcastle was also know as Hard Impact before changing theirs name to Suicide Blondes.
They also worked in Japan as The Canadian Rockers. Adam Copeland once wrestled under the name Damon Striker(In he's book he writes it as Damien Stryker) on an episode of WCW Pro. It's said in he's book that it is he's worst ring name to date.
Coincidentally,Copeland first wrestled for WWF the night after Bret Hart left the WWF as Sexton Hardcastle.
In June 22 1998 Copeland made is first T.V debut on Raw is War as Edge a loner who entered the ring through the crowd for his matches and he would also walk around city streets and assaulting innocent pedestrains. His first mach was against Jose Estrada, Jr which ended in a countout due to Edge doing a somersault senton from the ring to the outside injuring Estrada's neck.

After this Edge would end up in a feud with Gangrel who later indroduced Edge's "brother" Christain then became a member of the team The Brood. The Brood later would become part of The Undertakers Ministary of Darkness. The Brood broke away from The Ministary after Ken Shamrock attacked Christian. This would lead in to a brief feud with The ministary.
On July 24 1999 Edge won the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Jeff Jarrett in Toronto,Ontario at a house show just to lost it to Jarrett the next night at Fully Loaded 1999.
Later that year after being betrayed by Gangrel, Edge and Christian (E&C) would find themself's in a feud with Gangrel's The New Brood (Matt and Jeff Hardy). This feud would take them to No mercy 1999 in a ladder match for the Managerial service from Teri Runnels and $100.000 which The Hardy Boyz won.
In Edge's time as an active wrestler he would win 12 Tag Team Championships.
The first time would be with Chrstain at Wrestlemania 2000 after winning a Triple Tag Team Ladder match beatind Thev Dudley Boyz and Hardy Boyz.

Edge as won the WWF Tag Team Championship with Christain 7 times.
Edge has also won the WWF/WWE World Titles with Chris Benoit 2 times, Hulk Hogan 1 time, Randy Orton 1 time as part of Rated RKO and 1 time with Chris Jericho.
And the WWE Tag Team Champoiships with Jericho 1 time and Rey Mysterio 1 time
Overall Edge as won 31 Championships, 14 Tag team ( 2 not with WWF/WWE).
11 time World Championships 4 time WWE championship ( Rated R spinner) and 7 time World Heavyweight Championship.
He is also 5 time Intercontinental Champion and WCW US Champion (After WCW was sold to WWF/WWE in 2001). Edge has won the 2001 King of the Ring, 2005 Money in the Bank and the 2010 Royal Rumble making him the only wrestler in history to win all 3.
He retired because of Cervical Spinal Stenosis due to injury to he's neck.
You can see some of Edge's great matche's in EDGE: Decade of Decadence on a 3 DVD boxset and he's book Adam Copeland on Edge. Its rumoured that a second book is on it's way, so if there is i'll be looking to read it.
Thank You Adam Copeland as a fan i wish you the best of luck.